Privacy Policy

Optima Naturals is committed to being transparent regarding the data it collects,
the way it is used and the people with whom it is shared.

So it is Optima Naturals’ willingness to ensure that its customers, collaborators and partners have awareness and guarantees of experience, ability and reliability in full compliance with current provisions on data protection, including the security profile.

It is Optima Naturals policy to process personal data in a lawful, correct and transparent manner in respect of any interested party. The data will be treated in a relevant manner and limited to what is necessary in accordance with the purposes for which they are collected on the basis of the principle of data minimization. The data will be stored for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are used and in order to ensure adequate security and confidentiality.

It is Optima Naturals policy that the interested parties are always entitled to receive clear, transparent, detailed and comprehensible information on the processing operations to which their personal data will be subjected.

In the processing of data Optima Naturals uses external collaborators and suppliers for some outsourced services. Our commitment is to qualify the designated data managers also considering the guarantees provided to protect data privacy.

Optima Naturals provides its employees with clear instructions to raise awareness.

Optima Naturals has prepared transparent information for each activity area (click on file in .pdf).

We invite the parties to view the reference information.

Customer Information

Supplier Information

Website Cookie Policy

Information Form “Work with Us”

“Contacts” information

Newsletter User Information